Here to help every step of the way
The human brain wants to compartmentalize each experience we have, including trauma. Think of the brain as a filing system. Every piece of information has to be put somewhere (into the right file folder). Talking about experiences helps the brain organize what happened and allows the brain to process and file it away properly in the memory centers. Trying to shove it away, push it away or numb yourself to not think about it may work in the short term, but at some point, unprocessed experiences start to create brain clutter and push back which can lead to Police Complex Spiral Trauma (accumulation of trauma) and post-traumatic stress injury. EMDR has been scientifically validated and as you can see from this picture, can heal those psychological injuries.

Before EMDR

After EMDR
Before and after EMDR brain scans. Left photo Shows woman with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Right photo shows same patient after four ninety-minute EMDR sessions. The red areas indicate overactivity in the brain.
— Photo by Dr. Daniel Amen